Languages & Literacy
All characters regardless of race automatically know how to speak, read, and write Common. In addition to Common, dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs, and halflings are also literate in their own racial language. Humans may also begin with a regional language of their choice from the Forgotten Realms in addition to Common.
Along with their racial and regional languages, characters may also possess the ability to speak and write additional bonus languages. Each character’s Intelligence score is used to determine the number of bonus languages the character knows upon character creation. A 1st level character begins with a number of bonus languages equal to his or her intelligence bonus. Thus, a 1st level character with an intelligence of 14 (Int bonus of +2) would be allowed to choose two additional bonus languages.
Characters may learn additional languages as they increase in level by allocating skill points. This server utilizes the custom skill Speak Language to track the number of additional learned languages. For all classes except the Bard, two skill points equals one language learned. (The bard need expend only one skill point per the 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook.)
Permitted Bonus Languages: The following languages are available as bonus languages to characters regardless of race, region, or class: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Giant, Gnoll, Halfling, Orc, and Undercommon.
Class Specific Languages: All druids know Druidic in addition to their other languages and may also choose Sylvan as a bonus language. Clerics are also able to choose Abyssal, Celestial, and/or Infernal as bonus languages. Wizards may choose Draconic as a bonus language in addition to those listed above.
Permitted Regional Languages: Aglarondan, Alzhedo, Chessentan, Chondathan, Chultan, Damaran, Dambrathan, Durpari, Halruaan, Illuskan, Lantanese, Midani, Mulhorandi, Nexalan, Rashemi, Shaaran, Serusan, Shou, Tashalan, Tuigan, Turmic, Uluik, Undercommon, and Untheric
Literacy: All characters are able to read and write the languages they know or learn with the exception of barbarians. Barbarians are able to speak their known languages but cannot read or write. To gain literacy, the barbarian must allocate two skill points toward the Lore Skill. These two skill points grant full literacy to all languages the barbarian is able to speak. A barbarian may learn additional languages without being literate in any of them.
Using the Language System In-Game
Upon logging in for the first time, a character will be given their initial languages based upon race and class. All characters will be able to speak Common which is the default language. Druids will be given Druidic. Each race will
receive their corresponding language and humans will need to choose a regional language before learning additional languages. Initial setup of languages is handled through the Crafting Skills Radial Menu dialogue.
In addition to automatic languages, characters will be able to learn an additional number of languages equal to their Intelligence modifier. The total number of languages a character can learn at first level and the list of available languages can be accessed via the Crafting Skills Radial Menu. Additional instructions can be found there on how to choose a language and how to speak that language, as well as a list of available languages that can be learned. These languages are per the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting sourcebook.
As a character levels, the system keeps track of the character’s Lore skill. As additional points are allocated to Lore, the system will allow the character to learn new languages. For bards, each skill point allocated to Lore results in a potential new language. All other classes must expend two skill points per language. A character need not select a language if they are eligible, but may elect to simply have the added Lore apply only to the Lore skill and not toward another language. This option is available through the Crafting Skills Radial Menu.
To speak a known language, simply type |speak language and press Enter where language is the name of the language you wish to speak. This will toggle your default language from Common to the new language. Only characters that also know that language will be able to comprehend what your character is saying. The translated text will appear in their combat window. Characters who are not fluent in the language are afforded an automatic Lore check to determine if they can determine which language is being spoken. A successful attempt, however, will not translate the language itself.
A language may also be spoken by typing |s language Text to be spoken. This maintains the default language while allowing a single line of translated text.
All text bound by asterisks (*) will not be translated. This enables a character to still emote visual cues or role-play information while the spoken text is converted.
Language Widget
To help facilitate switching between a character’s known languages and assist with accessing the language setup dialogue, an in-game language widget is provided to all Players. Upon logging in, the widget will appear for use. This widget identifies the current language that a character is speaking, provides a list of the character’s known languages, and allows the PC to quickly switch between known languages, revert back to Common, or access the language setup dialogue.
Should the widget be closed accidentally, it can be made to reappear by typing |languages in the chat dialogue box.