Spell Modifications
The following spell effects and durations have been modified for Impiltur – The Forgotten Kingdom for reasons of game balance.
Blade Thirst
Duration: 1 round per Caster Level
Bless Weapon
Duration: 1 round per Caster Level
Bull’s Strength
Duration: 1 turn per Caster Level
Effect: Fixed ability modification of +4 per the 3.5e Player’s Handbook.
Cat’s Grace
Duration: 1 turn per Caster Level
Effect: Fixed ability modification of +4 per the 3.5e Player’s Handbook.
Cure Minor Wounds
Effect: Cures 1 hp of damage in lieu of 1d4 per the 3.5 Player’s Handbook.
Duration: 2 rounds per Caster Level
Effect: 1d4 fire damage in lieu of 1d4 +1 per Caster Level
Death Ward
Duration: 1 turn per Caster Level in lieu of 1 hour
Effect: Grants immunity to level and ability drain and negative energy in addition to all death effects per the 3.5
Player’s Handbook.
Divine Power
Effect: Fixed ability modification of +6 per the 3.5
Player’s Handbook.
Eagle’s Splendor
Duration: 1 turn per Caster Level
Effect: Fixed ability modification of +4 per the 3.5 Player’s Handbook.
Duration: 1 turn per Caster Level
Effect: Fixed ability modification of +4
Find Traps
Duration: 1 turn per Caster Level
Effect: The spell now grants a bonus to the caster’s Search Skill equal to 1/2x the Caster Level up to a maximum of +10 per the 3.5e Player’s Handbook. Traps are no longer disabled or automatically discovered upon casting
the spell.
Flame Weapon
Duration: 2 rounds per Caster Level
Effect: 1d4 fire damage in lieu of 1d4 +1 per Caster Level
Fox’s Cunning
Duration: 1 turn per Caster Level
Effect: Fixed ability modification of +4 per the 3.5e Player’s Handbook.
Greater Magic Weapon
Duration: 2 rounds per Caster Level
Effect: Greater Magic Weapon grants a +1 enchantment bonus for every 4 caster levels in lieu of 3 per the 3.5e Player’s Handbook.
Greater Sanctuary
Duration: 1 round per Caster Level
Keen Edge
Duration: 2 rounds per Caster Level
Effect: Knock will now only open the door or object nearest the caster per the 3.5e Player’s Handbook.
The caster can unlock a door or an object from a distance equal to 3x Caster Level + 30 1/2 feet.
Duration: 2 game hours per Caster Level
Mage Armor
Effect: Mage Armor now grants a +4 AC bonus per the 3.5e Player’s Handbook.
Magic Vestment
Effect: Magic Vestment grants a +1 AC bonus for every 4 caster levels in lieu of 3 per the 3.5e
Player’s Handbook.
Magic Weapon
Duration: 2 rounds per Caster Level
One with the Land
Effect: This spell no longer grants a bonus to the Set Trap skill.
Owl’s Wisdom
Duration: 1 turn per Caster Level
Effect: Fixed ability modification of +4 per the 3.5e Player’s Handbook.
Planar Ally
Effect: This spell now carries an XP loss of 250xp upon casting per the 3.5
Player’s Handbook.
Summon Monster
Duration: (2x Caster Level +2) rounds