In-Game Player Conduct

It is important to remember that Neverwinter Nights and Dungeons and Dragons are ultimately games played by real people. It is therefore expected that you are respectful of other players and treat them with the same decency with which you would expect to be treated. In order to maintain a player friendly environment, the following rules have been developed.

GRIEFING AND HARASSMENT – Griefing is the act of intentionally antagonizing, belittling, disrespecting, or otherwise creating an uncomfortable environment for one or more other players. Such behavior is not allowed. While some actions may take this form in the spirit of role-play, always make sure the other player is aware and accepting of your intentions prior to role-playing a confrontational encounter. Intentional out-of-character harassment and griefing will not be tolerated. If you find yourself the victim of harassment, contact a DM immediately either through the DM channel or by personal message. Include screenshots of the offending dialogue if possible. First time offenders will receive a warning and be watched closely by the DM team. Second offenses will result in the offending player being banned.

LEWD BEHAVIOR AND/OR LANGUAGE – Impiltur the Forgotten Kingdom is a mature server, not an adult server. Players are expected to conduct themselves maturely at all times and be respectful of others that may be within “hearing” range. Because the server is open to anyone, players of all ages and backgrounds may be online while you are playing. Please be mindful of this fact when interacting with others. While relationships between characters are not forbidden, depictions of sexual behavior should be kept to an absolute minimum. Spend your time adventuring here, and keep other activities to yourself in the privacy of your own home. There are other servers which cater to this type of role-play. This is not one.

DEPICTIONS OF SEXUAL BRUTALITY – Depictions of sexual brutality are not acceptable and will not be tolerated either in-character or out-of-character. DMs on this server will not tolerate and will never depict such behavior themselves. Offending players will be immediately banned from playing.

STAYING IN CHARACTER – The persistent world of Impiltur is a role-play server which is dedicated to providing an enjoyable setting in which players can immerse themselves in order to develop their characters. To maintain the atmosphere of the server, players are expected to remain in character at all times. Most real-life situations which may prompt an out-of-character response can be handled in-character if approached creatively. However, if the need to speak out-of-character is unavoidable, do so sparingly or communicate through the private tell channel.

SHOUTING – Communicating over the shout channel is not allowed and is reserved solely for the server administrator and DM team.

PLAYER VS. PLAYER (PVP) AND PLAYER KILLING (PKing) – Although characters may indirectly harm other player characters through area of effect spells, deliberate intent to harm or kill another player character for any reason (in-character or otherwise) is not allowed with the following exceptions:

1. Players may combat one another as long as it is mutually agreed upon by all involved parties, is approved and supervised by a DM, and has legitimate in-game reasons for occurring. Players may also role-play physical disputes using die rolls. Role-played conflict must also be approved and supervised by a DM.

2. A DM may sanction a PK for in-game reasons.

PICK-POCKETING – Rogue characters may pick-pocket non-player characters (NPCs) and player characters (PCs) with the following limitations. Items that can be taken are restricted to those that are small in nature (i.e. small amounts of gold, rings, daggers, etc.). Removal of larger items such as suits of armor or swords would not be realistically feasible. A degree of common sense should be utilized when attempting to steal an item from another. Rogues attempting to pick-pocket another character must also be prepared to role-play any situation that may arise upon the discovery of their attempt. While PvP and PKing are not allowed, it is expected that characters role-play the confrontation realistically. NPCs may become hostile and attack with lethal force.

DM COURTESY – Please remember that DMs are people too and should be given the same respect that you would afford to other players. DMs have many responsibilities and obligations while online and may be very busy at any given time. Be patient when asking for help over the DM channel. If your question is not immediately answered it may be that the DM is engaged elsewhere and not able to immediately answer your query. Do not constantly resend your question over the DM channel as this may serve to annoy the DM, and an annoyed DM is never good.

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