Class Considerations
Please keep in mind the following restrictions when choosing a class or if you anticipate multi-classing. Also, please visit this page for changes to animal companions and familiars that should be considered when playing wizards, sorcerers, rangers, and druids.
For classes which require valid deity selections, please visit the Selecting a Deity page for a list of valid deities.
A barbarian is much more than a chosen class. It is a lifestyle into which a character is born and a particular way of life. As a result, characters must begin their adventuring careers as a barbarian. Characters who begin their
careers as another class other than a barbarian are not allowed to multi-class as a barbarian. Barbarians are allowed to multi-class; however once they have chosen the path of another class, they can no longer gain barbarian levels:
civilization has left its mark upon the character.
Because the true source of a cleric’s power is derived from his or her chosen deity, clerics who do not choose a valid deity and validate the selection in the Portal to Impiltur Port Authority will not be able to cast divine spells,
turn or rebuke the undead, or gain further levels as a cleric.
In addition to the deity requirement, some clerical spells require material components and/or focuses to successfully cast. More information regarding this can be found in-game at the Portal to Impiltur Port Authority or here on the website.
Much like the cleric, the paladin’s strength and cause are derived from his or her chosen deity. Because of this, characters who do not choose a valid deity will be unable to cast spells or utilize their special abilities to detect
evil and summon courage.
Also, the paladin’s Summon Mount feat has been disabled and is not available on this server.
Because the ranger may elect to simply follow “the ranger’s way of life,” he or she is not required to select a patron deity to gain levels. However because the ranger’s spell casting ability is given to him or her by a deity of
nature, he or she will not be able to cast spells without selecting a valid nature deity. A list of valid nature deities can be found in-game at the Portal to Impiltur Port Authority or here on the website.
Rangers also possess the ability to track and obtain this feat at 1st level. Refer to this page for more information regarding the Track feat.
As an embodiment of nature itself, druids draw their power from one of the deities of nature and, therefore, cannot cast druidic spells without having chosen a valid nature deity. A druid who does not have a valid nature deity will
also not be able to gain levels as a druid.
Prestige Classes
Prestige classes will only be granted to players who exhibit mature and skillful role-play and can present valid in-character reasons for wishing to choose such a class. Ultimately, the decision to allow any prestige class will be
that of the DMs.